Here are the best resources like PDFs ,slides,books which are the best sources for learning android app development please do download them for 😍 free😍 and enjoy learning.😎😁

1)Power point Presentations :Chapter wise to learn Android app development from scratch.Learn Android app development step by step from these resources.These slides have clear pictures denoting the operations to be performed.Don't miss them😵
L1. Introduction to Android
It describes about Android and the working environment used to create Android apps.This also helps you to setup the software environment and run your first app in it.
L2. Java for Android
It consists of full of java programming and the different classes available in java.It also tells about collections and exception handling in Java.
It consists of full of java programming and the different classes available in java.It also tells about collections and exception handling in Java.
L3. Activities and Intents
It deals with the main part of android app development i.e Life cycle of activity,Activity and movement from one activity to another.
It deals with the main part of android app development i.e Life cycle of activity,Activity and movement from one activity to another.
L4. User Interface
User Interface is a main part of any application as it is the one which attracts the user.In this chapter we will see about different User Interface components
L5. Services and Broadcast Receivers
This chapter talks about different services and Broadcast receivers available in android and how they play a major ole in User interaction and in the back end.
L6. SQLite and Content Provider
This chapter deals with the SQLite which is the inbuilt database in Android Studio which is used to develop database driven applications with various database operation.Finally it talks about the content providers and how to write them.
L7. GPS and Connectivity
This is the Important part to develop real life Android applications.This chapter covers most of the important topics like Location API,Bluetooth,Wifi,Accessing SD Card etc.
L8. Multimedia
The Last Chapter deals with the Multimedia.For any app to be perfect and interactive we have to include Audio and Video.
2)Android Tutorial pdf
3)Android Programming Cookbook
4)Android Hacker's Handbook
5)Android App development for dummies
6)Programming Android
7)A Busy Coders Guide to Android app development
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