There are lots of students who join Engineering Every year. They take notes at the class study them and get good marks in the exam but forget them after it. The main problem is here is they take notes but forget to listen to the core concepts thought by the Professor. He fails to become a Complete Engineer or professional without Understanding the concepts. So to solve this problem a startup named Lecturenotes founded by Mr. Ayush Agrawal.
The main type of notes we are very fond of is the handwritten notes. These notes are also available at Lecture notes. These types of notes along with presentation and Computerized notes are available at this platform. This Platform provides wide categories of notes including the Previous Year Questions along with Solutions.
Lecture Notes is a one-stop destination for scholars around the world. Our aim is to create a platform to bring together teachers and scholars from around the world to be able to connect, communicate and share knowledge. The main Aim of LectureNotes is to bring together a community of Students, Faculties, developers and Entrepreneurs and share each other's notes so that the community gets benefitted and will definitely create a change in the digital revolution in India.
"Providing the Best Notes for Engineers and make this world a better place to educate Everyone"
- LectureNotes
Website of Lecturenotes https://lecturenotes.in/

They also have a Mobile App so that you can learn at your own phase.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.lecturenotes.lecturenotes&hl=en_IN

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