Time Management is one of the Challenging tasks in our day to day life. Many of us feel very difficult to manage the time and work and are confused about what work we have to spend more time and when to spend them.
When we start thinking about time management we look back and see how much time we have wasted. The only asset in our life is time. We waste a lot of time in day to day life due to several reasons like focusing on not important work, focusing on the right work at the wrong time, spending too much time on personal issues and many more reasons. There are many industries that invest a lot of money on harnessing time efficiently. Let’s think about the things that bring chaos in the middle of the day. Be thoughtful and mindful in approaching your day. So what it means to allocate your time in everyday work. So here are some of the rules and steps that will help you to spend your quality time on quality work.
1) 80/20 rule
All work is not created equal and doesn’t have equal importance.you have to look at every task is this peace of work really interesting and whether it will let me move forward in my life. This comes under 20% of the work(important ones with priority). On the other hand, the other tasks that are just needed to be done come under 80% but the remaining tasks have their own strategic importance. So think of how can you automate, outsource and delegate the 80% of the tasks that are of less importance but need to be done that is don't invest more time here. So when you look at your task think of these works that come under which category 80 or 20 and be conscious and thoughtful while classifying them.
2) Einstein Window
There is some part of the day when your mental strength is at peak and problems don’t feel like problems for you. This part of your day is the Einstien window for you. Everyone has their own time when they can productively do work. Einstein window is the time when your brain functions actively and it's energetic to do work. Every people so have this in a different part of the day that may be early in the morning, middle of the day or Late night. First, find out this time and start working on 20% of the tasks.
3)Protecting your window
Be Focused on the important works. Most of the people spend time on less important things. Be ready to say No to things during the Einstien window that is not interesting and unnecessary. If some person comes and asks for your help tell them you can help them but later. Minimize the interruptions and get back to your work. Leave your normal office space and go somewhere which will help you to maximize your deep thoughts by enjoying the silence in the environment. Switch of your smartphones and other digital disturbances.
4)Communicating your availability
Broadcast your availability to people. When you are available you are open to interruptions but when you are really busy you can take in only urgent and emergency tasks. Use your time in the Einstien window effectively on 20% of the tasks by reducing the distraction and protecting the integrity of the Window.
Putting all the steps and rules together will help you to manage your time efficiently and making you more productive.
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